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12/17/15 01:15 PM #26    

David Talbot

Hi Paul,

No, I missed the 50th.  But I will try hard to make it to the 55th.  Of course, my focus is on trying to make to tomorrow!!!  LOL!  Since Vietnam, I take things one day at a time.

Have a very special holiday season.  I personally think of my buddies who didn't make it home and continue to hope they died for something.....but, in my old age I wonder.....

All the best Paul,



12/17/15 04:41 PM #27    

Nancy Mae Howells ((ezell))

It's always nice to hear about/from Pioneers; especially now. Maybe it's part of human nature to try to "go back".

Looking fwd to the 55th reunion!


12/17/15 04:49 PM #28    

Stuart Tasman

David, I've been wondering that myself.  The way things are going,  this country is not safe anymore.  

12/18/15 07:17 AM #29    

Steven Scott Riggs

As bad as we think things are we still are inth GREATEST COUNTRY we need Donald Trump in there with all his wild staments that actually make sence.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Steve Riggs

12/18/15 09:18 AM #30    

Danielle Membrives (Jernigan)

It's time Americans get serious about our country. Islam is trying to take over and make this a Islam nation.  Our president tells us not to be afraid, but he's got several body guards, a well protected house and bullet proof car and he speaks their language.  Trump is our only hope to get America back.  Have a Merry Christmas, it might be our last.  May God help us.


12/18/15 12:39 PM #31    

David Talbot

To Stuart Tasman:  I agree with you 100%.

12/18/15 12:45 PM #32    

David Talbot

To Nancy Mae Howells:  I agree!

To Steven Scott Riggs:  I agree, but I am not sure Trump is the right person to get us "Great Again."  I love what he says, but I need to be convinced that he knows HOW to get it done.

To Danielle Membrives:  Amen & Amen.

12/18/15 05:16 PM #33    

Stuart Tasman

Donald Trump is a loose cannon. He's a total whack job. I don't want a president that insults people. He is bigot and racist. It reminds me of that lunatic in 1939. Trump puts fear into the minds of his followers,  hopefully they will figure it out.


12/19/15 04:38 AM #34    

Ron Bloom (Name)

When did the forum become so political? I don't like where it's heading. Aren't we the ones who fought for peace and the rights of others? Come on guys, lighten up on the rhetoric. 



12/19/15 08:40 PM #35    

David Talbot

To Stuart Tasman:  Thank you for your Marine Corps Service to this country.  I respectfully disagree with some of what you said about Trump.  However, I am much more concerned that a Trump GOP candidate will hand the presidency to HRC, regardless of his negatives in the Primaries.  My Opinion, another 4 or 8 years of a Dem President and we're done for......  OoRah!


To Ron Bloom:  As long as we treat each other with mutual respect, why should anything be off limits?

12/20/15 12:40 AM #36    

Stuart Tasman

To the class of 62' y'all have a healthy & happy new year

12/21/15 07:19 PM #37    

Harry Alfred Boyd

Stuart Tasman....... well I havent heard that name in fifty plus years.  Hope life has been good to you since '62.  Not sure if you remember me but I certainly remember you.  Harry Boyd

12/31/15 02:18 PM #38    

Rochelle Elaine Babbitt ((romanelli))

Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year. I was looking at our yearbook and wondering who is still around the Miami area. I live in Pembroke Pines.

01/01/16 10:45 AM #39    

Stuart Tasman


Harry I sent you a private message to your profile.



01/02/16 10:05 PM #40    

Harry Alfred Boyd

To Stuart Tasman ;Yes, You were a kid with an irrepressable personality.  I'm not at all surprised that you were a Marine (ARE! once a Marine, always a Marine).  Thanks for your service.  I'll get one of my grandkids to show me how to find your post to my profile.  Hope all is well in Texas.  That new open carry law will be interesting.  I'm licensed and pack most of the time.  It's a dangerous world out there.  What was that line in the Godfather?....."I want something besides my hoohaa to pull out of my pants if trouble starts."  

01/03/16 01:02 AM #41    

Stuart Tasman

Harry I'm not a big fan of open carry law myself.  I think most people who carry concealed will continue. The ones that don't are just showing off, which I think will cause trouble.  We moved here in 1972, looking to move to Montana or New Zealand. Just go to your classmate profile, it should be there.


01/03/16 11:39 AM #42    

David Talbot

Stuart Tasman:  We loved New Zealand.  We were there on a vacation trip a few years ago and looked into the requirements to retire there.  Montana is way too cold for us Arizona Desert Rats......  RE:  "Open Carry," AZ has always been an Open Carry state and it's never been an issue.  A couple of years ago, the laws changed and a CCW permit is no longer required here.  That scares me more than open carry.  Now one never knows who or why someone's carrying.  But again, not a big issue here.  An AZ CCW permit is still available, used mostly by those who carry outside the state as many states honor home state registrations.  

Happy New Year!

01/03/16 02:41 PM #43    

Stuart Tasman

David, my wife and I have been there twice for ten days each. Would like to spend 2 or 3 months and live like the natives.  We loved it there, Tauranga is where we would like to stay or Mt. Manganui.

01/04/16 12:41 PM #44    

David Talbot

Hi Stu, Silvia and I spent a month driving from Aukland all the way to the southern tip of the south Island and back.  We were between work and full retirement and my son was an employee of United so there was no travel expense.  That allowed us to stay the extended time.  On the South Island we never left the East Coast, but on the North Island we drove down the center and back up on the  East Coast of the North Island.  We spent one night in Tauranga, 3 days in Lake Taupo & Rotorua, and got as far south as Duneiden.  Our favorite place was right on Lake Rotorua North of the city where we found a beautiful old Inn with views of the lake through our room.  If you come to the 55th and we are able to come too, we can share memories New Zealand and tall tales of our military service!    David  

01/06/16 08:19 AM #45    

Barry Neumann

I just got back from vietnam,cambodia & lou,The people were very nice & helpful,in Hanoi we stayed across from a kindergarten school at pick up time.The parents showed up on scooters,picked up 3 kids stuffed them on and took off.There are very few traffic lights,no accidents 9 million people no road rage and traffic keeps moving.The trip was a history & geography lesson,the food was great,but definitely a on time thing.

01/07/16 12:21 PM #46    

David Talbot

Barry Neumann...Glad you enjoyed your trip to RVN, many of my friends from the war have been back.  I just don't ever want to go...  It's all mental but I just can't do it.  

01/07/16 05:07 PM #47    

Elaine Breton (Diloreto)

Sounds like a wonderful trip and a once in a lifetime experience. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

Happy New Year Barry.

01/08/16 12:11 PM #48    

Cheryl Bea Rubenstein ((edlin))

Timothy Mark Wolf, I sent you a private message reply!!

01/08/16 02:54 PM #49    

Diane Kurtz ((paul))

Glad to be back online with all of you.  Lynn got me back in. Trip to Vietnam brings back memories of love and friends who were taken.  Love to talk or see any of you. Be healthy and happy. 🍀🌹

01/08/16 06:43 PM #50    

Diane Kurtz ((paul))


Dear Stu:

Remember me?  Your dad was my mailman.  My daughter is in Phoenix.  Be well

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